In this condition, you are distracted or unaware, not only perceiving no danger in your immediate area, but also not alert for any that may be presented to you. The only acceptable spot for this condition is within the confines of your own home and then only if you are safely behind layered security appropriate for your situation.
Condition Yellow (Aware)
In this condition, you are at ease, not immediately perceiving any danger, but generally aware of your surroundings. This condition is appropriate any time you are in public.
Condition Orange (Alert)
In this condition, you have become aware of some non-specific danger (via Condition Yellow) and need to ascertain whether or not there is a legitimate threat to your safety.
Condition Red (Concerned)
This conditions means that you have every reason to believe that someone poses a clear and present danger to you or some one with you.
Condition Black (Under Attack)
In this condition, you are actively being attacked.
Although it is possible to skip nearly instantly from Condition Yellow to Condition Black, you can still more or less align the OODA loop with the various alert conditions. In Condition Yellow, you observe something amiss. In Condition Orange, you ascertain that it may be a threat, building on past experiences to orient and interpolate this new information. In Condition Red, you pre-determine a response and decide what to do. You act in Condition Black.
By pre-cycling through the OODA loop, your reaction time may be faster than that of your opponent. Without doing so, it most assuredly will not be.
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